Fully-funded Postdoctoral fellowship (2 years) is available in the Yeşilbaş Lab
Photo: NASA.
Postdoctoral fellowship (2 years) in Planetary Geochemistry and Spectroscopy
Looking for the new Martians!! 🚀 We have a new fully-funded Postdoctoral fellowship (2 years) by the Kempe Foundation available in our lab.
The aim of the project is to resolve preservation conditions of potential ancient life signatures on Mars using vibrational spectroscopy?
If you are interested in discovering this fascinating phenomena related to Mars, you are welcome to apply for a fully funded two-year postdoctoral fellowship.
The postdoctoral fellow will get the opportunity to perform several laboratory experiments, mainly using vibrational spectroscopy. The postdoctoral fellow will participate in designing, data acquisition and analysis processes.
The tax-free 2-year fellowship is funded by the Kempe Foundation and it amounts to 312 000 SEK per year.

Application deadline is September 30, 2022. The successful candidates will be interviewed during the application period. We look forward to receiving your application!