Yesilbas Lab attended the 36th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (NGWM) in Gothenburg!
Inside the Mässen Centre at the NGWM meeting. Our group leader, Merve gives her talk about enigmatic detection of Ca-sulphates in Mars. Photo: Trung Nguyen.
Yesilbas Lab took the stage in the Planetary Geosciences session at the 36th NGWM in Gothenburg!
Latest results from the fancy spacecrafts that orbits Venus, Mars and Earth and preparations for new missions…
The 36th NGWM took place in Gothenburg on Jan 10-12, 2024 this year and our group members, Trung and Lucas and Merve gave talks in the Planetary Geoscience sessions. Our group leader, Merve, took place in organizing the ‘Planetary Geoscience‘ session with her colleagues Andreas Johnsson (University of Gothenburg), Susan Conway (University of Nantes), Sanna Alwmark (Lund University), and Axel Hagermann (Luleå University of Technology) this year.
We had excellent talks from our keynote speaker, Prof. Svein-Erik Hamran (University of Oslo; PI of the RIMFAX instrument on Perseverence rover of NASA) and invited speaker Dr. Solmaz Adeli (German Aerospace Center, DLR; Venus Veritas mission) about the latest updates from Mars and Venus missions. Many early-career scientists gave very cool and inspiring talks and presented posters on how to search for life beyond #Earth using extreme environments on Earth and even #meteorites.
For further information, our group members’ abstracts can be found in below.
Merve Yesilbas, Tuan H. Vu, Robert Hodyss, Mathieu Choukroun, Paul V. Johnson, and Janice L. Bishop, “Spectroscopic Investigations of Gypsum-Salt Interactions Across Mars Relevant Temperatures: Implications for Modern Mars Geochemistry”.
Lucas Demaret, András Gorzsás, Cisem Altunayar-Unsalan, Ozan Unsalan and Merve Yesilbas, “Cryogenic Raman Signatures of Hydromagnesite-rich Samples from Lake Salda: Understanding the Modern Geochemistry and Life Potential of Mars”.
Trung Nguyen, Michael Holmboe and Merve Yesilbas, “Water Retention Mechanisms on the Near Surfaces of Mars: Gravimetric and Cryogenic Vibrational Spectroscopy Approaches”.
Huge thanks to all participants, collaborators, and the #NGWM2024 organizing team! 🙌 Let's stay tuned while we continue to explore the mysteries of our celestial neighbours!