Fully-funded 2 Postdoctoral fellowships are available in the Yeşilbaş Lab
Two Postdoctoral fellowships (2 years) in Planetary Geochemistry, Astrobiology and Spectroscopy
Looking for the new Martians!! 🚀 We have new two fully-funded Postdoctoral fellowships (2 years) by the Carl Trygger and the Kempe Foundation available in our lab.
We are looking for two more postdoctoral fellows to join our team to search for #life signatures on Mars and #originsoflife on Early Earth using #vibrationspectroscopy. You will have a chance to work at my lab, where you can stimulate Mars conditions in the VNIR and mid-IR spectral regions and also have access to excellent infrastructures in the Chemical Biological Centre (KBC).
1. How to detect chemical #biosignatures (e.g., RNA) in #Mars analogue soils using IR and Raman spectroscopy? Funded from the #CarlTryggersStiftelse.
2. Which environmental conditions allow to preserve cyanobacteria in Mars analogue clay minerals?: Insights into the origins of life on Early Earth and the search for life on Mars. Funded by the #Kempestiftelsen I and Agneta Andersson from the Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, the Umeå Marine Science Center will co-supervise this project. It is an #interdisciplinaryresearch, and this position is open to diverse research fields, including #astrobiology.
Application deadlines are March 1, 2024. The successful candidates will be interviewed during the application period. We look forward to receiving your application!