Our PI Merve and her Moon and Mars research collaboration in Grenoble was featured in the SETI Institute’s press release!

Our PI, Dr. Yesilbas and Dr. Janice Bishop (SETI Institute and NASA Ames Research Center) are next to the cryogenic VNIR spectrometer setup in the University of Grenoble Alpes. Image Credit: Olivier Poch.

Last autumn in October 2023, our PI has travelled to the University of Grenoble Alpes to initiate the collaboration with Bernard Schmitt and his group at their Cold Surfaces Spectroscopy (CSS) Facilities to unravel the mysteries of Moon and Mars analogue soils. The aim of this trip was to collect the frosty spectra of all these soils that could be for the remote sensing measurements, which is crucial for ongoing and upcoming Mars and Moon missions.

We are very glad about this collaboration and look forward to presenting our results at the upcoming Lunar and Planetary Science Conference on March 11–15 in Texas.

Our PI, Merve is very grateful to the Europlanet Society for this award!!

Let's stay in touch while we continue to search for alien rocks in our universe! 🚀 👩‍🚀


YESILBAS LAB IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Our group’s research is featured in the Kemisk Tidskrift!


Fully-funded 2 Postdoctoral fellowships are available in the Yeşilbaş Lab