YESILBAS LAB IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Our group’s research is featured in the Kemisk Tidskrift!
The first page in the Kemisk Tidskrift. Image Credit: Kemisk Tidskrift
PI Dr. Yeşilbaş wrote a magazine article in Kemisk Tidskrift to describe group’s research and latest explorations to search for life on Mars.
Our PI wrote an article in the latest published Kemisk Tidskrift Magazine to present ongoing research in the Yeşilbaş Lab and how our research is very strategic and correlated for the latest explorations from Mars. As the current and upcoming Mars missions aim to search for life signatures on Mars, our group’s research presents a multidisciplinary approach by making ties with chemistry, physics, geology, ecology and biology.
If you would like to learn more about our group’s research, you can find the article in Swedish at Kemisk Tidskrift magazine.
Yeşilbaş, M. Finns det liv på Mars? In Kemisk Tidskrift, Vetenskapsmedia, Svenska Kemisamfundet: 2024; pp 20-23.
Kemisk Tidskrift is published by the Swedish Chemical Society to promote knowledge and interest in chemistry.