Yeşilbaş Lab attended the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) in the Woodlands, TX!

Our PI is giving talk in the LPSC. Photo by Trung.

Yeşilbaş Lab presented the latest results from the group at 55th LPSC in Texas!

Latest results from the Mars spacecrafts, exploring aqueous history and water resources on Mars, as well as life potential of the Red Planet…

I and my team attended the #LPSC2024 on March 11–15 in the Woodlands, TX, to present our latest ongoing research in the group. This was my first LPSC as a PI, and I am feeling like flying over to the moon to hear all the interest, comments, and feedback about our research. A very proud supervisor moment here 💫

Lunar and Planetary Science Conference is a very important conference for #planetaryscience and #astrobiology fields as it is a joint organization effort between NASA and the Lunar and Planetary Institute. We presented Umea University with 4 conference proceedings this year, where we gave 3 talks and presented a poster. It was an honour for us to present ongoing and expanding planetary science research in Sweden. Trung gave an oral presentation in the ‘Ancient Aqueous Alteration in Mars’ session and Lucas presented his talk in the ‘Astrobiology‘ session. I gave my talk in ‘Sulfate Production and Occurrence on Mars‘ session.

For further information, our group’s papers can be found in below.

Yeşilbaş, M.; Bishop, J. L.; Schmitt, B.; Talla, D.; Meusburger, J.; Poch, O.; Wildner, M. Low-Temperature Reflectance Spectra of Szomolnokite and Applications to Their Detection on Mars. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) 2024,  (3040), #2035.

Nguyen, T.; Krause, A.-C.; Holmboe, M.; Yeşilbaş, M. Briny Water Formation and Retention in Martian Subsurface: Insights from Nontronite Clay Mineral and Hygroscopic Salts. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) 2024,  (3040), #1452.

Demaret, L.; Gorzsas, A.; Altunuyar-Unsalan, C.; Unsalan, O.; Yeşilbaş, M. Biosignature Detection on Ice Using Raman Spectroscopy: A Case Study for Hydromagnesites from Salda Lake, Türkiye. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) 2024,  (3040), #2497.

Bishop, J. L.; Meusburger, J. M.; Talla, D.; Yeşilbaş, M.; Schmitt, B.; Maturilli, A.; Bristow, T. F.; Lafuente, B.; Hiroi, T.; Wildner, M. Characterizing the Spectral Properties of FeSO4OH—A New Phase Observed on Mars. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) 2024,  (3040), #1880.

It was such a great pleasure to present our results to the reowned international planetary science and astrobiology communities and to catch up with all my collaborators and friends at NASA. I am super happy and humbled with all great feedback that I received for my group’s research. Huge thanks for research grants from the Swedish Research Council, Kempe Foundation, Europlanet Foundation and NASA!

While we are in the publication process, let’s keep in touch! I am looking forward to sharing more exciting results with the community!

“Per aspera ad astra!!🚀”



Congratulations to my brilliant PhD student Trung for his very prestigious The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KAW) Scholarship!


YESILBAS LAB IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Our group’s research is featured in the Kemisk Tidskrift!