Public Outreach: Yesilbas Lab in ForskarFredag Event at Curiosum Center

Yesilbas Lab at the Curiosum Center in Umeå with the dwarf planet Ceres (Image Credit: NASA) in the background. Photo: Gabrielle-Beans Picon (Umeå University).

Yesilbas Lab took the stage in the ForskarFredag Event in Curiosum Center on September 29!

Salty surprises in space: Exploring Mars and Ceres

“We believe the science education is important and space for all!” said our group leader, Dr. Merve Yesilbas. This year, Merve, and our team members Lucas and Trung participated in this event to show how the varied type of salts effect the surface features (dark streaks, holes, square bright areas) on Mars and Ceres.

It was very exciting to meet with Umeå people from a wide range of age groups and perform experiments together. Thank you all for your huge interest, curiosity and enthusiasm to our research!

We are looking forward to meeting with you all next time! You now know that we are based on the Department of Chemistry in Umeå University.

All the Best from your neighbour Martians,

Yesilbas Lab

ForskarFredag is one of the events organised under European Researchers’ Night 2023 in Sweden program.


Public Outreach: Our group leader Merve was invited to give a Mars talk in the Kunskapveckan at Umeå University!


Public Outreach: Our group leader Merve was the special guest of the Astronomy Days and Nights Event in Curiosum