Exciting News! Our PI Merve’s New Publication on Ca-Sulfate Dehydration Pathways on Mars

Congratulations to our PI Merve on her new Mars paper!

We are thrilled to announce that our PI’s latest research article, “Geochemical Transformations of Gypsum Under Multiple Environmental Settings and Implications for Ca-Sulfate Detection on Mars”, has been published in the ACS Earth and Space Chemistry! 🌟

Our PI Merve expressed that - “I am incredibly proud of this comprehensive work that includes many different spectroscopic techniques (e.g., Mid-IR, VNIR, and Raman) and X-ray diffraction method to examine gypsum-Cl salt interactions from -90 to 400 °C. This work revealed the importance of how different geochemical process affect the detectability of transformation of gypsum. This research has been a journey of discovery and collaboration, and I am excited about the potential impact it may have on ongoing and future Mars missions. I think, this paper also shows the importance of Mars Sample Return Mission and to collect data in the controlled lab environments.

This research would not have been possible without the support and collaboration of my colleagues. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all the co-authors in this paper from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), SETI Institute, and Univ. of Grenoble Alpes.

I would also like to acknowledge the funding from Swedish Research Council Starting Grant (VR-2021-05859), NASA Astrobiology Institute Early Career Collaboration Award, NASA Solar System Workings, Kempe Foundation (JCK22-0065) and the Europlanet TA program.”

For those interested in exploring the full details of our PI’s paper, you can access the article in below button.


Congratulations to our PI Merve for securing fundings for a New Dynamic Vapor Sorption Instrument!


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