Lab News & Updates
Public Outreach: Our group leader Merve was the special guest of the Astronomy Days and Nights Event in Curiosum
Our group leader Merve was the special guest of the Astronomy Days and Nights Event in Curiosum.
Our brilliant PhD student, Trung, was awarded with a travel grant from European Astrobiology Institute to give talk at EANA’2023 Conference in Madrid!
Our brilliant PhD student, Trung Nguyen received the European Astrobiology Institute travel grant to give oral presentation in EANA 2023 Conference.
Francisca Emel Tuzcuoglu successfully completed her internship!
Congratulations Emel!! Emel successfully completed her internship for lunar project!
Ann-Cathrin Krause succesfully completed her Master project!
Our dearest and brilliant MSc student, Ann-Cathrin, successfully completed her Master project. She studied complex sulphate-Cl salt mixture formation in Martian analogue Fe-rich nontronite clay minerals at Mars-like temperatures using Raman spectroscopy.
Setting up a new destination: European Science Foundation awarded the Yeşilbaş Lab for Moon research!
Europlanet2024-Research Infrastructure awarded our new Moon research collaboration!
NASA grant awarded for our Mars research collaboration!
PI Dr. Yesilbas will take place as co-I in this project. We will perform the cryogenic-IR measurements of the low hydrated Fe- and Mg-sulphates and collaborate with awesome teams in SETI Institute, NASA Ames Research Center and University of Vienna.
Public Outreach Activity in ForskarFredag at the Curiosum Centre
Have you ever wondered why the planets like Mars or a dwarf planet like Ceres has dark streaks and sometimes spheres on the surface? We have an answer: salts.
Mars talk at the 2022 Climate Impact Research Centre (CIRC) Symposium
PI Dr. Yesilbas was invited to give a talk in the Climate Impact -Research Centre (CIRC) Symposium 2022 that was held on Abisko.
An interview with our PI, Merve, has been published in Umeå University
PI Dr. Yesilbas gave an interview about her research and academic journey from Turkey to NASA.
Fully-funded Postdoctoral fellowship (2 years) is available in the Yeşilbaş Lab
Looking for the new Martians!! 🚀 Application deadline is September 30, 2022.
Fully-funded PhD student position is available in the Yeşilbaş Lab
Looking for the new Martians!! 🚀 Application deadline is September 23, 2022.
Yeșilbaș Lab awarded the Kempestiftelsen Grant!
PI Dr. Yesilbas was awarded with the prestigious Kempestiftelsen Grant to purchase a FTIR spectrometer and a fully-funded postdoctoral fellow.
Astrobiology talk at the 2022 Swedish Space Researchers' Association Meeting
PI Dr. Yeşilbaş was invited to give a talk in the Astrobiology section at the Swedish Space Researchers' Association Meeting 2022 that held on Lund Observatory.
Swedish Research Council Starting Grant funds our new project
Dr. Yeşilbaş was awarded with very prestigious Swedish Research Council Starting Grant for her project on cryosalts on Mars.